Tendance Coatesy

Left Socialist Blog

Posts Tagged ‘israel shamir

Shamir: Jewish Lobby Ate My Morning Star Article.

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Meets Every Night Chez Denham and Coatesy.

Israel Shamir is in a bit of a tizzy. (see Here)

Apparently the Morning Star ” can’t stand up to a few Jewish Marxists.”

At the start things were going swimmingly.

Here is the letter confirming that the Morning Star would publish his master-stroke against the Zionist-Marxist-Jews.

Dear Mr Shamir

I’m the arts editor of the Morning Star newspaper (see
www.morningstaronline.co.uk) and we’d like to reprint an edited version of
your Pussy Riot article.
Would you please grant permission? Unfortunately, we run on a shoestring so
we’re unable to pay a fee but I hope you will agree as it will bring your
challenging piece to a wider readership.
I’d be grateful for a swift response as we have a possible slot free in next
Saturday’s publication.

With very best wishes

Clifford Cocker
Arts editor
Morning Star newspaper

I gave my permission immediately, and they published it – and took it down in a few hours under pressure of the Jewish Lobby.”

AKA: the well-known Rabbinical  families of Coates and Denham.

He then proceeds,

The British Jewish ‘tribal or kosher’ Marxists provide their support, for, in words of Gilad Atzmon, “Jewish Marxism is very different from Marxism or socialism in general. While Marxism is a universal paradigm, Jewish Marxism is basically a crude utilisation of ‘Marxist-like’ terminology for the Jewish tribal cause.” Indeed they were on the watch; they applied pressure to the Morning Star, and the British Communists surrendered immediately.

Poor Shamir whinges,

“They did not care that the attacks proceeded from Harry’s Place, the dirtiest Zionist leftist blog in Britain, viciously anti-Muslim, positioned against Iran and Syria, violently anti-Russian, and surely anti-Shamir.”

After some further whining about the need for “anti-imperialist unity” between browns and reds Shamir  cites this letter, from an English reader, a certain Elisha Traven, complaining about the Morning Star decision.

I shall not cite most of the drivel but this is interesting,

George Galloway of the Respect Party is MP for Bradford West which is in south Yorkshire. He is well-known for his strong support of the Palestinian people. I’m sure you know of him. I salute you, Israel Shamir, for your love of Russia and defence of their elected president. You are a true and loyal servant of social democracy and the rule of law.


Hat-Tip to Barthomew.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 1, 2012 at 4:54 pm

Morning Star “Clarification” over Shamir article.

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“Clarification” over Shamir.

Today’s Morning Star carries this in a small box piece under the headline:

Clarification over Shamir article in Saturday’s Star.

(I reproduce the one already posted here, which does not appear to differ from that printed on  Page 4 of the Morning Star, Monday September the 24th)

A NUMBER of you have raised concerns over the decision to reprint an article by Israel Shamir on the Russian band Pussy Riot that appeared in the weekend’s Morning Star.
The paper would like to reassure readers that the piece was syndicated from Counterpunch in good faith without knowledge of the author’s background.
We would like to reiterate the paper’s commitment to publishing writers who reflect and remain steadfastly committed to the values of anti-racism, anti-fascism, international solidarity and social justice that the paper has campaigned for ever since its establishment.
It remains guided by those goals and will seek in future, wherever possible, to establish the full biography of writers before publishing their work.
In the meantime the Morning Star would like to distance itself from the opinions of the author of the piece, which do not reflect our position or those of the wider movement.
We apologise wholeheartedly for any distress caused.

There remain a number of unanswered issues and points:

  • What exactly were the “concerns” and what was the “distress” about Shamir and his article? The Morning Star is silent. The very vivid anger  expressed here and elsewhere  at his anti-Semitism and far-right opinions is apparently best left unsaid.
  • In the same vein: how far does the Morning Star wish to “distance itself from the opinions” of Shamir and what opinions do they wish to remain far from?
  • If the Morning Star is committed to the “values of anti-racism” and “anti-fascism” why were they unaware of the fascist and racist views of one of the most notorious international propagandists for the far-right, Israel Shamir?
  • As numerous posters on this Blog have said, it is hardly necessary to establish the full biography” of Shamir before realising this: a simple Google enquiry would have done, that is, assuming the staff of the Morning Star has, unlike most well-informed people,  not heard of Shamir.

Rosie Bell has said that the phrase “We apologise wholeheartedly for any distress caused” is clumsy and reeking of management-speak.

The ‘clarification’  does not condemn Shamir.

It does not condemn his fascist views.

It fails to ‘clarify’ anything that has come out in this controversy, except that the “decision” to “reprint” ultimately comes from an arrangement to “syndicate” material from the (as we have shown, dodgy) US publication Counterpunch.

This ‘clarification’ is not just evasive: it  is wholeheartedly inadequate.


Written by Andrew Coates

September 24, 2012 at 4:28 pm

Morning Star Publishes Holocaust Denier, Israel Shamir on Pussy Riot..

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The Morning Star, Britain’s ‘Communist’ paper publishes in its print-edition today a page written by Holocaust denier, Israel Shamir.

It begins,

“Who’s behind Pussy Riot? An unholy alliance of big business and media barons…”
Shamir observes,

Pussy Riot’s two-year sentence is quite in line with prevailing European practice. For much milder anti-Jewish hate talk, European countries customarily sentence offenders to two to five years of prison for a first offence.

We have already blogged on this.

Isreal Shamir’s concern about sentencing for anti-Jewish actions is far from a co-incidence.

In his many articles on the Holocaust ‘revisionist’ site Entre la plume et l’enclume he has shown great interest in the ‘Jewish question’. Recently Shamir cast doubt on the innocence of Captain Dreyfus.

This is a sample of his opinions (Wikipedia):

“In an essay published on his website discussing Holocaust denier David Irving, Shamir wrote that “the Jews” now “rule over the minds and souls of Europeans””

David Irving was sentenced for denial of Jewish superiority. His doom seals the reign of (albeit limited) freedom that began with the fall of Bastille. European history went full circle: from rejecting the rule of Church and embracing free thought, to the new Jewish mind-control on a world scale. Not only is Western Christian civilisation dead, but even its successor, secular European civilisation, has met its demise only a few days after its proud and last celebration by the Danish scribes. It was short-lived: about two hundred years from beginning to the end, the Europeans may once have had the illusion that they can live without an ideological supremacy. Now this illusion is over; and the Jews came in the stead of the old and tired See of St Peter to rule over the minds and souls of Europeans.[34]

Shamir claims his concern with the Holocaust is with the use of the narrative of the Holocaust by Jews to promote Jewish “superiority and exclusivity”,

It has everything to do with the Jewish claim of superiority and exclusivity. There is a Jewish prayer saying: “Bless you, Lord, that you created me a Jew, that you separated between Jews and the earth folks, like you separated between the Holy and Profane, that our fate is not like their fate”. The Holocaust concept is just another form of this prayer. They say that even their death is not like the death of anybody else.[42]

This is how the Guardian described Shamir last year: “an anti-Semite and Holocaust denier..


His latest book, in Russian, is called is called How to Break the Conspiracy of the Elders of Zion.

The Morning Star, a place where Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites are welcome.

Written by Andrew Coates

September 22, 2012 at 5:38 pm