Tendance Coatesy

Left Socialist Blog

As Socialist Unity Criticises Galloway only Russia In Your Face! is alternative to the lying Western LAMEstream media!!!

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As Socialist Unity Wavers Russia in Your Face Stands True.

Socialist Unity is no more.

The beacon of the left has dimmed.

The author who brought to the world the TRUTH, has turned his coat.

Was it so long ago that John Wight wrote?

Vladimir Putin is probably the most popular Russian leader there has ever been, polling up around a phenomenal 80% as recently as November 2015 in a study carried out by a team of American researchers. This makes him inarguably the most popular world leader today, though you would think the opposite given the way he’s routinely depicted and demonized in the West.

While Vladimir Putin and his government are not beyond criticism – in fact, far from it – their misdeeds pale in comparison to the record of Western governments in destroying one country after the other in the Middle East, presiding over a global economy that has sown nothing but misery and despair for millions at home and abroad, leading in the last analysis to the normalization of crisis and chaos.

Their deeds, as the man said, would shame all the devils in hell.

Counterpunch.  January. 2016.

Now it looks as Wight’s career as an Op-Ed contributor to Russia Today (RT as we initiates call it) and the American Counterpunch, is at an end. He  has taking to telling the facts and naming very different names.

Galloway and – this is important bit – his life-support machine, Sputnik on RT are out….

But back to the UK and the EU referendum, where despite the attempt by a section of the left to assert that Brexit would make the prospect of implementing progressive and socialist ideas easier – specifically when it comes to taking key industries and services into public ownership – the reality is that the beneficiaries of Brexit would be the right and far right. The politics driving Brexit are the ugly politics of anti immigration, xenophobia, and British nationalism. If successful it would propel the vile reactionary views and worldview of people like Nigel Farage into the heart of the establishment, ensuring that already under pressure minority communities would find themselves placed under even more pressure.

The EU and its institutions merely reflect the economic and political hegemony of neoliberalism. They are a transmission belt delivering policies which reflect this hegemony, which will remain a fact of life the day after Brexit. This is why those on the left who are intent on campaiging for a No vote on June 23 are playing into the hands of Nigel Farage and UKIP, allowing themselves to be recruited as unwitting footsoldiers for the far right.

There is also the Corbyn factor to consider. At a time when Labour under his leadership is garnering such huge support across the country, and with the Tories in complete disarray over the EU, for anyone on the left to oppose Corbyn over the EU now is tantamount to sectarianism of the worst kind.

There is no viable socialist or progressive case for Britain’s exit from the EU in the present political climate. There is only surrender to right wing nostrums on immigration, multiculturalism, and something called British values.

John Wight. Socialist Unity February. 2106.

Wight is rumoured to be about to run a Post on the links between anti-EU campaigners on the hard right and Russia…..

Now, alone and embattled, only Russia in Your Face Stands up for the Truth!

Open Letter to my Leftist Friends: Why we must support Putin. Angela Baker

So like, I’m a hardcore radical leftist. I’m anti-war, anti-imperialist, anti-militarism, anti-Zionism, etc. I marched against BusHitler’s war on Iraq in 2003, Obomber’s drone wars, and I’ll march against anything the US military does anywhere for any reason at any time, because I know the difference between right and wrong, and I’ll always be on the side of peace.

Russia stands up for self-determination against colonization.

Russia cares about the global south and people’s self-determination everywhere. That’s why it supports parties and organizations that are for national self-determination. For example, they supported Gaddafi and his Green Socialists in Libya before they were butchered by the Islamic terrorists who were backed by NATO airstrikes. They back Bashar Assad’s secular, legitimate government in Syria. They also back lots of other national self-determination movements such as Golden Dawn (I think it’s like African or something), Jobbik (India?), and Front Nationale (Quebec, right?). They are the main foundation of the Eurasianist movement, which has the word Asian in it, thus representing the global south.

When it comes to opposing globalization and the US global hegemony, leftists need to stop being so sectarian and start helping Russia build a multipolar world with global south nations such as Brazil and China.

These are the latest glad tidings comrades turn to in place of the lying globalised Green Lizard Lies of so-called snivelling Socialist Unity:

Russia sending troops, ships to support Scottish independence

EDINBURGH- The ships came all night. Dozens of them pouring into the Firth of Forth stacked with Russian tanks, troops and defensive nuclear missiles.

This is the new look Scottish-Russian defence force, a hybrid of Highland bravery and Russian know-how.

Unloading at the Forth Ports RIYF saw at least 40,000 heavily armed Russian soldiers greeted by crowds of Scots throwing flowers, whiskey bottles and shetland ponies in adoration.

“They’re saviours!,” cried Morag MacKrankie from the throng. “They’re gonee keck them Englesh arses!”

Ever since Scotland severed all ties from England in a surprise “polite independence” referendum, relations with England have gone from ‘actually the same country’ to ‘medieval bloodlust’.

The referendum, kindly provided for free with minimal preparation time and totally fair voting standards by Russia’s Central Election Commission, returned a 96% result for “Immediately hostile relations with the fascist dictatorship in London,” which was two of the two options on the ballot paper.


10 Responses

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  1. >> https://meduza.io/en/quiz/did-sputnik-really-tweet-that

    I actually saw ‘lamestream media’ deployed t’other day on voxpoliticalonline.com

    Do wonder if they realise it’s a term dreamed up by the Tea Party right wing in the US and popularised by … Sarah Palin :[

    Paul Canning (@pauloCanning)

    February 25, 2016 at 6:26 pm

  2. Whom the gods would destroy, they first make attempts at being witty.

    Andrew Coates

    February 25, 2016 at 6:33 pm

  3. RT/Sputnik’s target audience:

    Paul Canning (@pauloCanning)

    February 25, 2016 at 6:41 pm

  4. Lamestream media is exactly right!
    Putin is right about about almost everything, especially gay rights.


    February 25, 2016 at 11:40 pm

  5. Wight and Newman exposed as Zionist agents!

    Jim Denham

    February 26, 2016 at 3:07 pm

  6. NUS In Your Face!

    Fran speaks out!

    “These are systems of oppression, deeply ingrained within our society, which can be upheld in subtle as well as overt ways. Indeed, by signing the Observer letter [opposing Germaine Greer ban], I believe Peter tacitly endorsed the right of individuals to espouse hate speech on campuses where vulnerable trans students may be affected. ” – Fran Cowling NUS.

    If you don’t agree with everything I say and do, you are a supporter of hate speech.


    John R

    February 26, 2016 at 4:02 pm

    • They don’t seem to have the same problem with Shakeel Begg,

      “Tuesday 1st March – SOUTH-EAST LONDON LARAG/Stand Up To Racism meeting: “Refugees welcome – Stand up to Racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism – Black Lives Matter”, 7–9pm Goldsmiths College, Richard Hoggart Building (main building), Room 137a, Lewisham Way, London SE14 6NW (near New Cross/New Cross Gate stations)

      Imam Shakeel Begg, Lewisham Islamic Centre

      “another radical cleric, recently urged students at Kingston University, southwest London, to wage jihad in Palestine. In a tape-recorded speech obtained by The Sunday Times, Begg, who is a Muslim chaplain at Goldsmiths College, part of London University, said: “You want to make jihad? Very good… Take some money and go to Palestine and fight, fight the terrorists, fight the Zionists.”

      Andrew Coates

      February 26, 2016 at 6:11 pm

  7. When was SU ever a beacon of the left?

    Dave Roberts

    February 26, 2016 at 8:38 pm

  8. Mmm, a nice cup of Polonium tea winging its way to Wighty.


    February 27, 2016 at 1:09 pm

  9. George Galloway’s firm goes bust, owing £100,000 tax.

    Company set up by George Galloway, the left-wing firebrand, to channel earnings from Iranian state-funded broadcaster was put into liquidation with £100,000 debts.


    Andrew Coates

    February 28, 2016 at 1:02 pm

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