Tendance Coatesy

Left Socialist Blog

As Farage and Far-Right Moblise for Hard Brexit ‘Left Wing’ Full Brexiters Go for Collaboration with “Brexit Right”.

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Farage has “done more for Brexit than any socialist since Tony Benn” Tim Pendry, Crisis, Reputation & Political Adviser/Corporate Communications Adviser.

“Independent support for a simple idea – Brexit first, socialism second … all else is suspended until the vote of June 2016 is respected” (Pendry’s Twitter Account).

Brexit: Police brace for disorder after far-right protesters threaten to riot at London rallies


Members of the UK “yellow vests”, a conspiracy-driven group of Brexiteers, were sharing a meme on social media that threatened: “If you stop Brexit, we’ll make the Paris riots look like a f***ing tea party.”

Supporters were due to meet near the Shard on Friday afternoon, at the same time several other demonstrations were due to take place on the other side of the Thames.

Tommy Robinson was to speak at Ukip’s Make Brexit Happen rally in Whitehall, which he is also financially sponsoring through his personal “news service”.

Mr Robinson claimed people were being “betrayed” by the prime minister and “traitorous” MPs.

There will be opposition,

“Whether you’re Leave or Remain, these people aren’t having a genuine Brexit protest – it’s a far-right rally,” Stand Up to Racism organiser Michael Bradley told The Independent. “It’s an attempt to make hay while the sun shines.”

But there are already signs that some of the ‘left wing’ pro-Brexit crew intend to ignore this assertion.

They also lay claim to back a “genuine Brexit protest”.

There are signs of an emerging Brown-Red Alliance:


The debate became impassioned from the floor (although always civilised). The bulk of the feeling in the room, as I interpreted it, was for collaboration with the Brexit Right against the system. The immediate question was whether to turn up at Parliament Square on March 29th for a demonstration organised by the ‘Faragists’ and where Tommy Robinson might also be present. The official line was to do what one liked as individuals but to have no banners. It would, in this traditional left-wing view, be guilt by association with fascists in trying to persuade the rest of the Left to shift sides from Remain to Brexit with fears of a right-wing or Tory Brexit. The analysis began to break down under scrutiny. For a start, half the audience refused to accept that Farage was a ‘fascist’ – he was just a typical country Tory who had done more for Brexit than any socialist since Tony Benn and his democratic credentials were there for all to see. Pigeon-holing him (as opposed to Tommy Robinson) as Far Right was just not going to work.


The oddest unintended consequence of this farrago may be that British national populism engages in the new Europe that is emerging while liberals look on with mounting horror and wonder precisely what their resistance was all for. The logic is Labour being steadily degraded by the rise of a working and lower middle class national populism for reasons of culture and distrust as much as anything else.

In short, thwarting Brexit paradoxically enhances the revolutionary potential of Brexit … its absence rather than presence creates the ‘revolution’ (more cultural than anything else) whereas an elite Brexit would have dampened down the growing and widespread sense of outrage at the loss of respect for voting rights and ‘agency’ (as Brexiters now see it).

(What May Happen to Socialism Under A Failed Brexit? Tim Pendry.)

Perhaps inspired by  Red-Brown Eddie Dempsey ‘s rousing words against liberal elites he has tweeted.

In a parallel development, FBU official and prominent supporter of The ‘left-wing’ Full Brexit,  Paul Embery denounces “cosmopolitans” and praises the “magnificent protests” of the Gilets Jaunes.

The Trade Union Club for liberal cosmopolitans

Despite the TUC having a history of pledging solidarity to internationalist causes and movements, it has uttered not a word and lifted not a finger in support of the gilets jaunes in France. These magnificent protests – an explosion of genuine working-class anger, a guttural roar against an arrogant, detached establishment, enjoying massive support from workers across urban and rural France (and beyond) – have generated not a syllable of support from the representatives of British workers just a few miles across the Channel.

Gilets Jaunes to Journalist: Bum-Boy You’re working for the Jews!

British Gilets Jaunes.

Embery continues:

Through Brexit, an accidental alliance has emerged between two groups alienated by the modern liberal establishment and holding fast to old-fashioned communitarian, small ‘c’ conservative values: on the one hand the working-class post-industrial towns, and on the other middle-class suburbia. It’s what the commentator David Goodhart has perceptively identified as the ‘Gavin and Stacey’ coalition, an “illustration of a benign independent-mindedness and pride in place that infuses two Brexit heartlands: Essex and ex-industrial South Wales”.

As a passing note,  Larry O’Nutter, under his pseudonym, Larry O’Hara is another Brexiter, and a supporter of the Full Brexit.

We await his ‘anti-fascist’ analysis of this confusionist brown-red alliance.




Written by Andrew Coates

March 29, 2019 at 11:44 am

7 Responses

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  1. Andrew Coates

    March 29, 2019 at 12:48 pm

  2. This far-right wing Paul Embery sound a right bad ‘un.

    His Twitter feed is a hoot.

    even retweeting the discredited and Kremlin-puppet George Galloway

    “I’ve been thinking about this. The working class and the poor voted for #Brexit The labour movement campaigned for Remain. So the working class and the poor voted against the labour movement. What kind of labour movement is that? I could go on but… ” I could go on but I have run out of brain cells…

    Made in Dagenham

    March 29, 2019 at 1:45 pm

  3. The increasingly soft-on-Brexit CPGB’s Weekly Worker says this week: “Of course, this does not mean that communists line up with Nigel Farage’s march on London. Then again, we do not mock it either – by the time it arrives in the capital on the symbolically significant date of March 29 it could be around the same size as the PV event [ie the million-strong antiBrexit march last weekend]. It will be as big as the country is divided – and that applies to both the working class and the ruling class.

    Jim Denham

    March 29, 2019 at 5:07 pm

  4. Today, 29 March, Vauxhall’s “Labour” MP Kate Hoey will be speaking at the Leave Means Leave rally organised and addressed by Nigel Farage and other prominent radical right figures

    Last night the General Committee of Hoey’s Constituency Labour Party unanimously passed the following emergency motion, proposed by L4SE steering committee member Joan Twelves.

    This GC notes
    1. That Vauxhall CLP’s agreed and settled policies include:
    • Supporting the holding of an immediate General Election.
    • Supporting a further referendum (People’s Vote) which includes the option to Remain.
    • Supporting calls for Party members and affiliate organisations to be consulted by a recall Conference or other means on Labour’s future policy in relation to Brexit and the UK’s future relationship with the EC.
    • Supporting campaigning for Remain and Reform whether in a General Election and/or a further referendum.
    2.That the Petition calling for Article 50 to be revoked and for the UK to remain in the EU has (as at 28 March 2019) attracted 6 million signatures, including nearly 25,000 in Vauxhall (30% of the electorate, 20% of the population, and more than 4,500 in excess of Kate Hoey’s majority at the last General Election).

    This GC further notes
    1. That in July 2018 this CLP:
    • noted that in June 2017 Kate Hoey was elected on a Manifesto which explicitly rejected Theresa May’s approach to Brexit and that she pledged in a letter to constituents that she endorsed Labour’s plans;
    • censured her for repeatedly reneging on these commitments and ignoring the clearly stated views of her constituents and the national and local Labour Party;
    • declared that this CLP has no confidence in our MP and requested that the Leader of the LP and the Chief Whip suspend Kate Hoey from the PLP and remove the Whip, and that the NEC declare her ineligible for re-selection or endorsement as a Labour Party parliamentary candidate
    2. That Labour’s 2017 Manifesto rejected ‘no deal’ as a viable option.
    3. That Kate Hoey has spoken in favour of moving to WTO trade rules rather than agreeing a deal with the European Union.
    4. That on 27 March Kate Hoey voted in favour of the motion “the UK shall leave the EU on 12 April 2019 without a deal”.
    5. That Kate Hoey has repeatedly been part of a tiny minority of Labour MPs working with and endorsing the positions of the ERG and DUP rather than those of the PLP.
    6. That Kate Hoey tweeted on 21 March: “Just to save people time and the ‘energy’ put into sending me the standard letter prepared by another Pro EU organisation, this time on Revoking article 50 let me be clear – I will NOT vote to Revoke Article 50”.

    This GC resolves
    1. To call on the PLP to support the revocation of Article 50 pending a General Election and/or further referendum.
    2. To call on Kate Hoey to support and vote in accordance with the views of her constituents (77.6% of whom voted Remain), and the Labour Whip on all future votes on Brexit.
    3. To support elections to the European Parliament on 23 May proceeding and for Labour to campaign for Remaining and Reforming the EU, with our case being built on a vision for transforming society, not defending the status quo.

    Furthermore, this GC resolves
    4. To call on all members of Vauxhall CLP to write to the Leader of the Labour Party, Chief Whip and NEC calling for the Whip to be withdrawn from Kate Hoey and for Vauxhall CLP to be allowed to immediately begin the process of selecting a Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate.


    Andrew Coates

    March 29, 2019 at 5:44 pm

  5. Jim, surely you forgot this bit! (it is hard to read the undigested ranting but I glanced and found this)

    “anyone one on the left who marched on Saturday is either a fool or hopelessly naive – the programme of the PV’s campaign is against the interest of the working class.”

    Andrew Coates

    March 29, 2019 at 5:52 pm

  6. Andrew Coates

    March 29, 2019 at 6:06 pm

  7. […] to “mild (as yet)” “mass fascist or populist right wing” movement (27 March) Coatesy: As Farage and Far-Right Moblise for Hard Brexit ‘Left Wing’ Full Brexiters Go for Collaboration … (29 March, on Tim Pendry, Paul Embery and other left/right crossover activists) Coatesy: […]

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