Tendance Coatesy

Left Socialist Blog

Monster Raving Tony Greenstein’s Feud with Momentum and Jon Lansman, Part 298.

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Image result for mural anti-semitic

Greenstein, ” an absurd mural whose ‘anti-Semitism’ is highly debatable.”

Oh What a Tangled Web Lansman Weaves as  He Practises to Deceive and Expel Me

People will be familiar with the lines from Sir Walter Scott’s Marmion:

Oh! what a tangled web we weave
When first we practise to deceive!

These immortal poetic lines echoing in our ears, we read this,

Monster Raving adds his own contribution to the debate about using inappropriate language in political debate,

“It almost seems as if Momentum’s führer, because he is an unelected dictator, has forgotten what the word socialism means.”

“Tony Benn must be turning in his grave as his former student has turned into a latter day Napoleon Bonaparte. Lansman’s trade is treachery.”

“Lansman, when given the choice between being honest and open, lying and transparency chooses the former without fail. “

Now to the dark heart of the present matter,

The first email was at 00.34 on the morning of Monday 19th March.  Lansman wrote, in his capacity of Chair of the NCG that:

‘We do have to get rid of Greenstein but I am a bit concerned by the process which he will make a big deal out of possibly including lawyers – sorry if I didn’t say this earlier.The bits of the constitution which are relevant here are….

What Lansman was saying was that we may deem me to have resigned but there has to be a process involving the NCG or one they have agreed in which I have the right to be heard (not necessarily in person) before a final decision is made.’

The rant concludes with Greenstein the Lawyer, writing from his Barrack Room,

I haven’t received any response yet and on Monday I shall be seriously considering going to the High Court again to obtain an injunction against Lansman and Momentum.

Tendance Coatesy says: more power to Lansman’s sharp elbows.

Jon Lansman on Greenstein, “He described Mr Greenstein – a Jewish anti-Zionist who has been suspended from the party over comments he made about Jewish MP Louise Ellman – as “probably the rudest person I know in politics. He says many offensive things, most of the time” (Jewish Chronicle


6 Responses

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  1. Not for the first time Jew hating is going to come back to haunt people

    Dave Roberts

    March 25, 2018 at 8:45 pm

  2. Some of us, when Greenstein was first expelled from the LP, were inclined to back him soley on grounds of due process (lack of), etc, even though we found his absolute anti-Zionism and self-evident misogyny highly objectionable. His behaviour and utterances sine then have, I would hope, convinced all serious comrades that it is impossible to defend this person, except perhaps on the “trade union” basis I’ve described elsewhere, and which he’s made clear he wouldn’t be willing to accept anyway. Labour party members do not have to tolerate sexist and racist abuse of the sort Greenstein specialises in. He can no longer be excused or defended and, together with his other pals in and around the CPGB/Labour Against the Witch Hunt, should be told to eff off once and for all.

    Jim Denham

    March 26, 2018 at 9:10 am

  3. Well we knew it would end up this way. Just a shame people believed in Momentum, Lansman and the whole “keep left” tripe in the first place. I mean he had the backing of the Morning Star, didn’t that tell you something, like run in the other direction?

    Steven Johnston

    March 26, 2018 at 10:02 am

  4. No Momentum: ♫ Stay on the left side of the white lines ♫


    March 26, 2018 at 12:50 pm

  5. The ironic thing is that aren’t a grass root organisation, they are an astro-turf one. They had to pay too, to join! Oh well, as P T Barnum said, there is one born every minute.

    Steven Johnston

    March 26, 2018 at 2:36 pm

  6. […] columnist Tony Greenstein — whose outrageous antics have been widely reported in the past by Comrade Andrew Coates — fails to detect anything out of the ordinary in Ockerman’s mural. Greenstein described […]

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