Tendance Coatesy

Left Socialist Blog

Protest Against Charlie Hebdo’s “uncivilised expressionists” as Police take “an interest” in those who buy our Weekly.

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The rally was organised by the Muslim Action Forum, which expressed 'deep regret' at the Paris terror attacks

“Insult Mum and I will Punch You” (Pope Francis…)

1000s of Muslims including Scholars and Spiritual Leaders shall protest outside Downing Street to denounce the uncivilised expressionists reprinting of the cartoon image of the Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him. MAF once again invites the world to the Declaration of Global Civility. The global Muslim community shall not be hijacked by coldblooded killers or uncivilised expressionists.

Muslim Action Forum. (MAF)

Hat-Tip JB.

Apparently this all part of a campaign for “global civility”.


  • I believe that through mutual consideration and the revival of civility as a shared medium of dialogue we are better equipped to reconstructing a more enlightened society.
  •  I endorse emphatically the Declaration of Global Civility drafted by the campaigners of Global Civility
  • I call upon the British Parliament to table a debate in both Houses of Parliament to discuss the endorsement of the Declaration of Global Civility.
  •  I call upon all civilised people and institutions globally to disassociate themselves from any actions that are an affront to global civility. I denounce the actions of all those people who are connected with the production of the cartoons of the Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him and believe that these actions are an affront to the norms of civilised society.

Number of signatures: 106893

One of the key points on the Declaration of ‘global civility’ is a call to curb what people say, or ” Reckless and malicious expressions will lead to vilification and demonisation of each other and our communities. “

In other words, say something we don’t like, “an affront to the norms of civilised society”and…….

This is  one of  their ‘civil responses’ (from Facebook Page).

Be careful, be very careful, or…….

Some of Sunday’s marchers take inspiration from a (cinema advertisement) by the Prophet Alan Partridge.

Newspaper report on protest.

Thousands of British Muslims gathered near Downing Street to protest against cartoons showing the prophet Muhammad and voice opposition to “insulting” depictions.

A leaflet issued by the Muslim Action forum (MAF), who organised the rally, said recent republishing of cartoons, caricatures and depictions of Muhammad by satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and other publishers is a “stark reminder” that freedom of speech is “regularly utilised to insult personalities that others consider sacred”.

The group also expressed “deep regret” at the Paris terror attacks, which included a massacre at Charlie Hebdo, saying they were a “violation of Islamic law”.

The words “Charlie and the abuse factory” and “learn some manners” were written on signs held by demonstrators. A number of speakers addressed the crowd while there were communal prayers before a delegation took a petition signed by more than 100,000 British Muslims to 10 Downing Street.

It calls for “global civility” and says the production of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad are “an affront to the norms of civilised society”.

Shaykh Tauqir Ishaq, a senior spokesman for MAF, said: “Perpetual mistakes by extremists, either by cold-blooded killers or uncivilised expressionists, cannot be the way forward for a civilised society. The peace-loving majority of people must become vociferous in promoting global civility and responsible debate. At this time of heightened tension and emotion, it is crucial that both sides show restraint to prevent further incidents of this nature occurring.”

Shaykh Noor Siddiqi, another MAF representative, said: “The actions of the UK media in not publishing the cartoons is highly appreciated by British Muslims and we hope that this kind of self-restraint and mutual respect will ultimately lead to a harmonious society.”

Across the street on Whitehall a handful of counter demonstrators holding a Britain First banner gathered.

Scotland Yard said it was not aware of any arrests during the protest.


More reporting in the Telegraph.

The MAF site cites ‘blasphemy law’ as a restriction on free speech.

Blasphemy Laws – seeks to restrict hateful literature being published that is “reviling”, “scurrilous” or even “ludicrous matter” relating to Christian concepts. The specifically relate to the Christian God, Jesus Christ, the Christian Bible or the Christian Book of Common Prayer.

It fails to mention this: “On May 8, 2008, the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 abolished the common-law offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel in England and Wales, with effect from 8 July 2008.”

We have further questions: 

It’s strange march for “civility” that includes people who cite the Pope’s notorious statement that nobody should be allowed to “insult” the faith of others.

Religions routinely  insult other people by their claim that only one set of believers are ‘saved’.

Hitting people for saying things, “a punch in the nose” – even about our mothers – is not normally called civilised.

Even if we believe that a religion is talking about real people.

But then the MAF carries images of people carrying placards saying, “We love the prophet Muhammed more than our lives.”

Some unkind people might call that blind fanaticism.….


It would be interesting to have a full list of the “scholars” and “spiritual leaders” on this threatening demonstration.

The MAF site states that it’s backed by the “major Muslim organisations in the UK” .

Which ones?

Meanwhile the Police in Wiltshire are doing their best to keep on eye on “uncivilised expressionists” by drawing up a list of people who buy Charlie Hebdo.

Your offer of commemorative badges in support of journalistic freedom highlighting “Je suis Charlie”, prompts me to suggest a degree of caution following my experience. Tongue in cheek, I asked my helpful newsagents to obtain a copy of the edition of Charlie Hebdo issued after the dreadful massacre in Paris, if indeed a copy was ever available in north Wiltshire. To my surprise, a copy arrived last Wednesday week and although the standard of content in no way matches that of the Guardian I will cherish it. However, two days later a member of Her Majesty’s police service visited said newsagent, requesting the names of the four customers who had purchased Charlie Hebdo. So beware, your badges may attract police interest in your customers.
Anne Keat
Corsham, Wiltshire


Update: Police Apology.

Wiltshire police issue apology for seeking details of Charlie Hebdo readers after Paris attacks. Full story soon.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 9, 2015 at 12:04 pm

6 Responses

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  1. I trust these people are campaigning for the rights of Christians and others to speak freely in Muslim majority countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Egypt. There seems to be a certain lack of ‘civility’ in these places currently.


    February 9, 2015 at 12:53 pm

  2. Oddly no mention of this, or anything specific about a particular country, or specific case, except Charlie, on the MAF site…..

    Andrew Coates

    February 9, 2015 at 12:56 pm

  3. […] Source: Protest Against Charlie Hebdo’s “uncivilised expressionists” as Police take &#8220… […]

  4. At the risk of coming across a bit like commenter ‘Sue R’, I was interested to see those placards shown above all having “Peace Be Upon Him” after every written utterance of “Mohammed”.

    When doing my vaguely modern (if that is possible) GCSE in Religious Studies (Comparative Religion) and Contemporary Moral Issues (excluding any issues deemed illegal by the usual interpretation of Clause 28) in the mid-1990s, all of our textbooks and our vaguely pious and somewhat Christian fundamentalist teacher insisted on the “PBUH” bit every time Prophet Mo was mentioned, if we didn’t do it in our essays/homework/examinations we would lose marks.

    Not sure what the extremely old-fashioned hardliner head of department thought about it, but he did get dismissed after beating a 12 year old in front of 32 other pupils (maybe the boy concerned had failed to shut his eyes during collective worship).

    As I was too young to notice at the time, a question to Chairman Coatesy: were the early ’90s a time of increased ‘official’ sucking-up to all kinds of religiousness in the UK, or was it just something strange about the examination board my school used for GCSE R.S.?

    (The OU course I did on “Islam and the West” in the late-2000s didn’t have any of this PBUH stuff, but on the other hand, it did claim Tariq Ramadan was the voice of Islam and it was fine for him to say different things ‘here’ and ‘there’ or depending on the audience he spoke to; and, a bit like current BBC speech guidelines, it frowned on the use of the word ‘terrorist’ to describe the 9/11 or 7/7 bombers. The course was obviously written by CoE types, as far as I know Bob Lambert was not involved).


    February 10, 2015 at 4:18 pm

  5. I was kicked out of the religious studies class for atheism when I was about 14.

    I attended the non-religious morning assembly – mainly Jewish as it happens.

    So I know little about this….

    Andrew Coates

    February 10, 2015 at 7:10 pm

  6. Excuse me, could Dagmar enlighten us as to what she means by ‘coming across a bit like commententer ‘Sue R’. I am agog to know.

    Sue R

    February 13, 2015 at 7:59 pm

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