Tendance Coatesy

Left Socialist Blog

Marine Le Pen Analysed by Caroline Fourest.

with 6 comments

Caroline Fourest is a feminist, a fierce defender of French secularism, critic of Islamism,  and a ferocious opponent of the Front National.

Caroline Fourest  has just published, with Fiammetta Venner, what promises to be the French political book of the Summer, on Marine Le Pen.

On France-Inter this morning (see Here.) she made some important points.

  • Marine Le Pen’s ‘modernising’ turn does not mean a break with the extreme right. Her closest advisers are from the ‘third way’ nationalists. That is those who advance the concept of a ‘communitarian’ nationalism.
  • They are anti-globalisers, and even appear anti-capitalist (drawing imagery from the left). This side of the ‘revolutionary’right remains linked to an idea of a fight against those conspiring ‘behind’ globalisation – guess who. 
  • They can be concerned with identity – agitating against non-European immigration.
  • They are attempting to appropriate French secularism, while retaining a  strong bond to French Catholic culture.

As Fourest points out this is full of contradictions.

Here are some.

To be secularist, but to be strongly Christian, to support the French republic, but to defend the heritage of the French far-right which loathes the French Revolution, to be nationalist, yet in favour of European civilisation, to be anti-capitalist but to support French enterprises, and, above all, to be ‘revolutionary’ but respectable.


Naturally one would need to go a lot deeper into the social basis of Front National support (at present outriding the Socialists, and the left). That the FN may be the ‘first party’ of the French working class, and certainly has strong roots in the popular classes, as well as in more traditional lower middle and conservative bourgeois circles,  has deeper causes than Marine’s rhetorical turn and the talents of her publicists. But Fourest make a good step in the right direction by not reducing it, as British observers, particularly those on the left, do to ‘Islamophobia’.

This morning Fourest referred to Le Pen, père, and his liking for the Iranian regime.

On s’en doutait…

Written by Andrew Coates

June 1, 2011 at 11:55 am

6 Responses

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  1. To the Tendance and its IT department (blog sub-cttee):

    I have a reasonably fast (unbeliveably fast compared to what is usus in the UK: actual speed ca. 14000 kbps) internet connection and a reasonably modern (about 8 years old) computer.

    Yet this site – one I enjoy reading and find interesting (even if it reminds me that I should never have dropped French at school) takes ages to load, and often causes my browser (Firefox, but also Opera, IE) to crash.

    The reason: the front page contains loads and loads of posts, including some from 2008 (e.g. on LO expelling L’etincelle). It loads far too much information, including videos, images from other websites (Norfolk County Council for some reason), sound files, all in the background. Taking for ever.

    Can the Tendance not please only show recent posts on the front page and have the rest on other pages (“older posts”)?

    I dread to think what the page would be like if I only had a modem or was able to piggyback onto someone’s wireless connection.

    dagmar zacharias bodenberg

    June 1, 2011 at 9:06 pm

  2. Fourest has made more noise hammering muslims than hammering fascists these last few years. For a good pulling apart of her left-islamophobic nonsense, I do recommend Khiari’s new book “Sainte Caroline”.

    John Mullen

    June 3, 2011 at 6:35 pm

  3. Hello,

    I am trying to find an email address for Caroline Fourest, in order to contact her with a question.

    I found one email address on the Web — caroline.fourest@theglobalexperts.org — but I fear it is no longer valid. I wrote her the following email, to that address, but she has not responded to me. Here is what I asked Ms. Fourest:

    S’il vous plaît pardonnez mon atroce français. J’ai une question à propos d’une remarque que vous faites au sujet Yahya Michot.

    “Dans un extrait de votre livre sur Tariq Ramadan publié sur le “L’Express” site web, vous avez écrit:

    “Yahya Michot. En 1997, ce Belge converti à l’islam s’est fait connaître pour avoir exhumé une fatwa d’Ibn Taymiyya prouvant que le meurtre des moines était justifié du point de vue religieux!”


    Avez-vous une référence précise de cette affirmation? Je serais très heureux si vous pouviez le relais pour moi.


    June 10, 2011 at 12:11 am

    • Having looked at your site Hesperado, I feel we are from very different political backgrounds. I am a left wing European secularist, so is Fourest. You are clearly not.

      Andrew Coates

      June 10, 2011 at 11:00 am

  4. […] Andrew Coates: Marine Le Pen Analysed by Caroline Fourest Caroline Fourest is a feminist, a fierce defender of French secularism, critic of Islamism,  and a ferocious opponent of the Front National. Caroline Fourest  has just published, with Fiammetta Venner, what promises to be the French political book of the Summer, on Marine Le Pen. […]

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