Tendance Coatesy

Left Socialist Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Ian Lavery. Morning Star

“No Holding Back” (Ian Lavery) argues in favour of Hardwiring “Thatcherite economics into Britain’s permanent relationship with the EU.”

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Argued for a vote in favour of the deal,

The Hard Brexiteers of the Morning Star have published this extraordinary editorial this morning.

The road to socialism is not paved with corporate treaties between capitalist states.

After registering the Johnny-come-very-late Jeremy Corbyn’s opposition to the Brexit deal they note that this,

grim assessment is shared by the authors of the No Holding Back report, Ian Lavery, Jon Trickett and Laura Smith, who state that it “hardwires Thatcherite economics into Britain’s permanent relationship with the EU.”

Like Corbyn, they note that protections against “regression” on workers’ rights are heavily qualified.

Their analysis highlights parts of the deal which point to potential Tory plans to privatise the NHS and the maintenance of EU competition and state aid laws that prohibit strategic economic planning and many forms of public ownership. It also points to threats to British manufacturing hidden in the “rules of origin” details.

They nonetheless argue for a vote in favour of the deal, on the grounds that the consequences of opposing it would be even worse.

Worse than what?

We shall not know but they backed the Thatcherite deal.

Here is their ‘analysis’

But the future is yet unwritten. There is much in the Agreement which remains untested and as we have seen there are provisions for review, challenge and amendment. The task facing the whole Labour Movement is both to create a post-Brexit vision which can lead us out of the multiple crises which our country faces, and then to fight like never before for a different world.

The rest of the Morning Star’s piffle outlines why everybody is wrong unless they oppose the EU.

They conclude,

The road to socialism is not paved with corporate treaties between capitalist states.

Quite right comrades!

The anti-monopoly alliance, a massive movement for popular sovereignty, that’s the way forward.

Already popular committees are being organised on the Ipswich estates.

Watch this space!

No Holding Back.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 31, 2020 at 11:47 am