Tendance Coatesy

Left Socialist Blog

Burkha in France: Marginal.

with 3 comments


Not ‘Must-Have’ Beach-Wear this Summer.

In Paris a parliamentary committee, headed by Communist André Gérin, is examining the question of the Burkha (or burqa). From an inquiry it has become in reality a ‘study group’. The reality of its object?   The French Police (interior information service) estimate that only 367 women wear the full body veil – burkha or niqab –  in France (here).

“Pour les policiers de la SDIG, le port du voile intégral s’apparente à une volonté de “provoquer la société, voire sa famille”, à un militantisme affiché, issu du salafisme.”

For the Police of the SDIG being completely veiled stems from a wish to “provoke society, or one’s family”, and is a badge of militancy, of Salafist origins.”

In an Editorial (29.7.09) le Monde  asks,

Doit-on légiférer pour moins de 400 personnes, légiférer pour une exception ? Faut-il ajouter une loi à la pile de textes de circonstance déjà votés par le législateur ? Compte tenu des risques – dont la stigmatisation de l’islam, qui pourrait offrir à la burqa une fausse image libératrice -, la réponse est non.

Should one legislate for less than than 400 people, legislate for an exception? Must one add yet another law to the pile of texts already voted through by the legislature? Taking account of the risks – such as the stigmatisation of Islam, which could give wearing the Burkha a false liberating image  – the reply is No.

I would tend to agree. But the intimidation of non-burkha wearing Muslim females (like that against non-veiled) is a problem. The veil in all its forms is an oppression. But this is even more deeply reactionary: the root being that non-veiled women are unclean meat. There remains an issue about putting anyone in a position of authority who is basically saying to uncovered women that they are impure and that men are a source of danger.

Written by Andrew Coates

August 1, 2009 at 9:52 am

3 Responses

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  1. The only way to defeat this filthy nonsense is ideological. If you ban it, it will just entrench it. I used to feel ill whenever I say a ‘ninja’ woman, but now I just feel pity for them. I just think they have to dress like that to stop their men from killing them. As for those who willingly choose it, I just think they are stupid cows and what they need is a good spell of living in an Islamic country.

    Eskimo Sue R

    August 1, 2009 at 10:02 am

  2. And what about those western morons who under the guise of ‘liberal concern’ for religious freedom acquiesce in its wearing

    Case in point last year an idiotic motion supporting the wearing of ‘religious apparel’ was passed by the Birmingham TUC (UK) after being badgered into the belief that was the case, by said moronic liberal

    I tend to support the view of Irish columnist Martina Devlin


    S O'Neill

    August 1, 2009 at 11:29 am

  3. O’Neil: great link, Devlin is spot-on. I must read the Independent (the Irish Sunday paper) more often. They get it here in the library.

    Andrew Coates

    August 2, 2009 at 11:00 am

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