Tendance Coatesy

Left Socialist Blog

Algeria: Fifty Years of Independence.

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More Information from Algérie Presse Service.

ALGIERS- President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika on Thursday paid homage to the memory of the national Liberation War martyrs in a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of Independence at the Sanctuary of Martyrs in Algiers.Liberté suggests that over 3 and a half million Algerians died during 132 years of colonisation – here.

El Watan reports on an interesting debate about the legacy of the pro-Algerian independence Martinique activist Frantz Fanon – Here. 

The French language daily also carries information on celebrations and protests indpendent of  the authoritarian ruling  coalition, of the FLN,  President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and the RND of Prime Minister Ahmed OuyahiaHere.

Le Matin (Algeria) strongly criticises the existing Algerian government and suggests that these celebrations are a distraction from the enormous difficulties Algierians suffer

Encore une aubaine pour le pouvoir de Bouteflika : mettre l’Algérie réelle, celle qui souffre de tout, de faim, de terrorisme, de Hogra, d’impunités, de corruption en veilleuse, lui tordre le cou s’il le faut, la piétiner encore davantage, et, pavoiser sur une autre Algérie, virtuelle, «commémorative» mais vidée elle aussi de sa mémoire, réduite, 50 ans après sa naissance à une indépendance forcée à la prostitution, à des feux d’artifice, à une comédie musicale de mauvais aloi, à un folklorisme désuet –  here.

Yet another stroke of luck for  Bouteflika and his system. They could hide the real Algeria, which suffers from everything, from hunger, from terrorism,  from ageing corruption, from oppression (Hogra – Algerian dialect, literally, being despised), up to being strangled if they must, behind all the bunting of a virtual commemoration – emptied of all genuine content, which after 50 years of independence, which is forced to prostitute itself –  behind fireworks, tawdry  musical comedy, and fossilised  tradition.

Le Monde publishes an interesting “Interactive” visual and written account of the war of national liberation and its legacy – Here.

Libération has produced a detailed narrative and illustrated account of the days leading up to independence – Here.

L’Humanité asks about Algeria’s future – Here.

Written by Andrew Coates

July 5, 2012 at 12:19 pm

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